_MAS Seeds CI

MAS Seeds CI

Organization Name: MAS Seeds CI

Membership: Seed Enterprise/Company

City: Abidjan

Country: Côte d’Ivoire

Location: Abidjan, Plateau, Boulevard Cardes SIPF Face Cour de Justice 04 BP 1022 Abidjan 04- Côte d’Ivoire

Address: Abidjan, Plateau, Boulevard Cardes SIPF Face Cour de Justice 04 BP 1022 Abidjan 04- Côte d’Ivoire

Contact Person: Denis Villenave

Telephone: +33 643249222

Products: Hybrid corn seeds and Sunflower seeds

Description: breeder, producer and markete of arange of tropical corn hybrid in West Africa.

MAS Seeds CI

Website: https://www.masseeds.africa/

Email: d.villenave@maisadour.com

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